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The summer of 2013 will see an attempt on the 24 hr electric vehicle distance world record by an experienced team from the Greenpower series.

The Greenpower Education Trust was set up in 1999 with it’s mission to recruit more young people into engineering careers . It’s electric car challenge is aimed to inspire students, guided by their teachers and industry mentors, to design, build and then race an electric car.


Taking the experience gained from competing within Greenpower and building on a successful car design already proven for
endurance with both Horsfall Racing and St Paul’s Racers, with technical assistance from The Pod Movement & North Highland
Young Engineers, the newly formed Team Endeavour are well placed to set a new world record of over 1000 miles in 24 hrs for an open cockpit car including battery changing.

This is more than just a possibility with a car design that has a Coeffiecient of Drag less than 0.2 and a frontal area of under 0.4m2.

Team Endeavour already have a number of sponsors including Agni Motors, Garmin, and others but are looking for more.

The circuit / venue is most critical for a successful challenge and we are actively seeking a partner/sponsor to make this a possibility.



  AGNI   BPD   Formaplex   Greenpower   Garmin